The party is greeted by Lira Vurris, Thrain Stoneheart and Pibble Bonebreaker. They explained that their other party members made them aware that they were being looked for and came to talk to Aiko to find you. They decided to wait for the party to come back to Moonlight Willow. The party gives them their notifications. Thrain tells them that the last two can be found in Moggli Square.

Aiko then drops some information that the party’s free accommodations ends tomorrow morning. With that the party gathers some food and drink while Rolland asked for a bottle of whiskey and Greybold asked for a pouch of fries.  Aiko provides a pouch of sweet potato fries from the kitchen.

The party sets off for Moggli Square where they are anticipating finding Brontes and Pipkin. On their walk, Poppy attempts to repair Deathray with minimal success. Daffodil tries to heal Roland with no success.

Upon arriving at the square there is a poppit performing with a loot and to his right is a huge Minotaur.  The party originally thought Pibble the orc was large, but Brontes is clearly twice the size. Neamhni and Fengjiu take a cautious stance on the other side of the fountain while Daffodil teases Greybold to be in front of Pipkin with his bag of sweet potato fries. Roland and Poppy follow along.

Daffodil attempts to distract Greybold by placing his pouch of sweet potato fries on the ground and continually moving them away from Greybold with their foot. Daffodil starts to dance to Pipkins music. Daffodil initially has some issues keeping up with Pipkin as Pipkin increases the tempo. A couple of town folk drop coins into Pipkins pouch and nothing in Daffodil’s pouch. As Pipkin increases his tempo Daffodil makes in another tempt to keep up. Unfortunately, Daffodil is not able to keep up, and one of the patrons puts more money in Pipkins pouch.

The music ends in a flash and Pipkin thanks Daffodil for the entertainment and the attempt to keep up. During this whole time, Roland thinks that this is the mating ritual of poppets. He is halfway through his bottle of whiskey and is enamored at what he is seeing. Brontes comes over and respectfully greets Daffodil and Roland. Brontes and Pipkin introduce themselves and the party gives away the last two notifications. Brontes asked the party how they got here and how they got into this. Daffodil tells Brontes the story so far and includes some information about the twins.

Brontes is very curious about the twins and looks to be agitated in having a difficult time deciding to go with the party to find the twins or two join his comrades on what New York is being requested of them. He asked the party to find out more information about the twins, especially where they can be found. He warns the party that if they do find the twins to be cautious. Daffodil explains that they did offer to help some goblins go after the twins as a small alliance, but they didn’t think that they would have to follow through with them. Brontes says it would be a good idea to work with the goblins and provides a pouch of coins; “In hopes that it will persuade the goblins even further to help out.”

Brontes and Pipkin bid the party ado and wish the party the best in their work with New York. Brontes assures them that they will meet again. Before leaving Daffodil attempts to heal Rolland again with no avail. Poppy also attempts to repair Deathray with no avail.  The party treks back to Moonlit Willow, where they get more food and drink from Aiko. They proceeded to perform more crafting checks and medicine checks until everyone is healed and fully repaired. Eventually, the party calls it a night.

Early in the morning Daffodil, Poppy, and Greybold are all awaken by noises and a ruckus. Daffodil opens the door of her room and sees two people running down the stairs. Upon looking in the other direction she sees that the room that Neamhni and Fengjiu were in looks to have their bedding and a chair laying somewhat outside of their door. Daffodil and Graybold attempt to wake up Rolland while Poppy investigates Neamhni and Fengjiu’s room. Just as Roland awakens and comes to his door, all of the party has a one to two second blackout as if they are remembering something as though it was just a slow blink. Upon investigating Neamhni’s and Fengjiu’s room it clearly looks like it has been ransacked and Neamhni and Fengjiu have been taken. The party heads for the stairs in hopes to find their friends!



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